
Some fancy new screenshots …

Ooh a castle.

What could be in this barrel?

Drawbridges are one-way if you run fast enough.

Run Horrible Monster Video

Run Horrible Monster! has a short preview video to aid in comprehending the true level of its horribility.

Horrible Monster on Indie DB

There’s now a fancy new Run Horrible Monster! page on Indie DB with fancy screenshots and everything.

Run Horrible Monster on Kongregate

“Run Horrible Monster!” Just went up on Kongregate where you can play it and rate it alongside loads of other games!

Serpent on Kongregate!

My game Red Serpent is now on Kongregate awaiting your rating. It also has a fancy new feature: saving your progress!

Boston Comic Con Date Change

The Ingredient will actually be showing at the rescheduled Boston Comic Con Film Festival at 4:45 pm Saturday August 3rd at the Seaport World Trade Center.

Boston Comic Con Film Festival

The Ingredient will be showing Saturday April 20th at the Boston Comic Con Film Festival in room 108 at the Hynes Convention Center!

Crow’s Castle

Crow’s Castle has cool and distinct games and toys of a tangible nature as well as a website designed by me!

Action On Film International Film Festival

The Action On Film International Film Festival will be screening The Ingredient in Monrovia CA Thursday, August 23rd at 5:15 pm.

The Ingredient at Comic-Con

The Ingredient will be featured in the 9th Annual San Diego International Children’s Film Festival at Comic-Con International!